Get to know Shelby Kearney

I am a political operative living in Washington, DC with my husband and two dogs. I was born and raised in the greatest city in America, Baltimore (it says so on our benches). I was raised by a single mom and have a passion for empowering women to make a difference in their corner of the world. When I am not working, I can be found snuggling with my dogs needlepointing or reading a good book.

10 things to know about me…

1.     I went to an all-girls high school. (If you know you know)

2.     I think people who don’t like dogs, (or any pets) don’t like joy.

3.     I try to use non-toxic skincare and cleaning products in my home.

4.     I believe, if possible, you should monogram it.

5.     I can use power tools.

6.     I struggle with my mental health.

7.     All my dogs have been named after Harry Potter characters.

8.     My husband and I are College Sweethearts.

9.     I am obsessed with needlepoint.

10.  A flea market is my playground.